(sings) It's been awhileeeee
Hey everybody, Anthony here! Been meaning to write lately due to the long silence on my end. I've been having a great time overall living life, despite the work needed to make it all happen. I had a great summer spending it with my girlfriend mostly and it was well needed.
End of July we took a week long trip upstate to the Catskills. It was a lovely time spent and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I celebrated four 30th birthdays last year, all surprise parties too! First one was not long after my last post, my good friend Mike Farley. End of August me and my best friend took out one of our closest friends (also named Mike) for his birthday which resulted in a surprise birthday party at his house. Beginning of September me and my girlfriend joined a small group of friends in a trip to the Poconos for the weekend. Well deserved getaway in my opinion. Upon returning, I decided to start to plan a surprise party for her 30th birthday. Most of September and early October was spent making it perfect and it truly came out that way. Rented a place and invited all her closest friends for a small party/gathering with food and drinks for everyone. Definitely had a great time!

After that I made it official, to return to photography. Early November was when I was really booked and doing well. One of them being a wedding with my partner Rafael from college days. It went entirely smooth and we had an amazing time! Shortly after that Covid started to make its resurgence and well photography started to die down a good deal again. December was spent planning my best friend's 30th birthday which was honestly the hardest lol but it went well. Shortly after were the last of the holidays and a wedding I attended day after Christmas for a dear friend I met through modeling. Shortly after New Year's day me and my girlfriend came down with Covid for the first time. It truly sucks, especially for it to occur during my birthday. So at the moment I'm on leave at work and making the best of it.
This year I have a few concerts lined up I am excited to attend, and for a Christmas gift I had been given an electric drum set (my side passion) which I'm humbly indebted for. But I'm still focusing on finishing up editing for some shooting I had done for my personal projects, along with some hard drive file maintenance before I admit my macbook for a battery replacement. I'm hoping more photography can occur this year, especially more studio lighting sessions. It's definitely been growing on me lately.
With the pandemic seemingly coming to a controllable matter it'd be appreciated if we can return to somewhat regular life soon. Really missing photography as a business. In the fall I had put out new business cards I've been overdue in making. They look amazing, so much more better than my last batch! Highly receptive with its lasting impression. Truly can't wait to give them out to more people.

Other than that, my main goal this year is to return to providing Photography business to the public. I've also been looking to someday soon invest in an inkjet printer to broaden my services. I'm never happy telling any clients I cannot provide tangible prints for their images, so I'm hoping to change that. However I most likely will have to wait until I move (which should be in a few months) so theres adequate space for the size I'm looking to get. But thats it for now really. When there are times when I'm not working on photography, I'll be making plans to whip up something new for everyone.
Really miss this sport.
Have a great winter everyone, reach out anytime!