Pre-Fall Update
Good afternoon following! For the record its not necessarily that I don't like to write blog posts, but more so I dislike writing one without much to say really! So I wait until theres some content to discuss. Not just "I been busy" because wheres the fun in that?
Well today I take the time to contribute before leaving for work as I've been lining out the details in mind over the weeks. Lately the photo work has adopted a "The Law of Least Effort" concept. The work has been slowing down but I still make it a mission to capture and attend community meets. August was the introduction to a new camera (actually two, the second was a film camera I was gifted which I have to equip a strap and load with film already) and it happened to be another DSLR, actually just the one I already had just upgraded. Can you believe the past 4 years worth of work was done on a Canon 5D Mark 2?! Well its garnered so much of my attention so I'm grateful as hell for it, but I've stood so devoted to it because its the first DSLR (non point & shoot) camera that I've used which was during my college classes in 2013.
Having a new camera I will say has made me photo hungry. Been back on the casting side of searching for subjects to work with. My largest priority has been to work with male models since most of my work has been working with female muses, I think I've achieved a standard level of work I've wanted with that direction, noticing that I could use improvement working with male subjects.
This year, a model turned close friend from 2019, has been a recent muse I've worked with constantly. Her name is Shulagna and I've seen myself conduct four photoshoots with her this year. One outdoor winter shoot, one indoor spring studio session (Grayscale Studios), one outdoor spring photo meet (Pursuit of Portraits) and one indoor spring photo meet (FD Studios Brooklyn launch). The second two were unintentional but became some amazing work on our end. I recommend all three resources for your artistic photography endeavors as they have made the experiences incredibly smooth and fostered some work to be proud of!
A big achievement over the summer, spawning from the casual Instagram posting, was an offer to have our urban images from the FD Studios opening featured in a modeling magazine. This is a first for me and I've been ridiculously grateful for this achievement! I may want to keep applying for magazines in the future to be honest. TBD.
Besides all that, my photography clients have been on the decline, which I'm sure has something to do with my drive for it. I've been researching my options with stock photography and using some of the thousands of captures I have for monetary value. Also, Canon had mentioned their new platform Image Connect which is a medium for freelance photographers to be found by clients searching for the right match. This is fairly new so I haven't seen anything resonate with it yet! Most prominently I have secured a more stable job for a steady income and its something I'm very happy with and seeing challenges in the tech field that are prospering growth for me. So long as my time is not going to waste.
Also the start of July was a last minute trip to Texas for some driving travels with my partner. Landed in Houston, drove to Austin and even further to San Antonio over the course of a week and it was an exciting stay. We enjoyed our time there and despised the cruel sun as one does. Definitely was a destination scratched off the list.
I believe that is all for right now, I hope this grants some insight into my life and every one of my fans that are still here with me continue to stick by me during this wild journey. I love to hear from you all and look forward to keep hearing from you. Never feel shy as I miss everyone on the individual level. Stay safe and best of luck. ;)
